RPP Bahasa Inggris


School             : SMA Negeri 1 Kuta Utara                Skill     :Listening and Speaking
Grade              : XII                                                    Genre : Short Functional text
Program           : Social Sciences                                  Semester: I
Subject                        : English                                              Time    : 2 x 45 minutes

  1. Standard Competency
a.       To understand meanings of transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context.
b.      To express meanings of transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context.
  1. Basic Competency
a.       To respond the meanings of transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context.
b.      To express meanings of transactional and interpersonal conversation in daily life context.
  1. Indicators :
a.       Ability to ask information
b.      Ability to give information
c.       Ability to introduce something to the others people
d.      Ability to refuse something from the others people
e.       Ability to make a short conversation
  1. Learning Goal:
a.       To ask information
b.      To give information
c.       To introduce something to the others people
d.      To refuse something from the others people
e.       To make a short conversation
  1. Materials :
Short conversation in the Hand phone Shop
  1. Method : discussion, demonstration
  2. Teaching-learning activities
Teacher’s activities
Students activities
  1. To greet students
  2. To check students attendance
1.      Brainstorming
2.      To ask leading question
  1. To assign students to make a group ( a group : 3 students)
  2. To ask the students to discuss the content of the conversation
  3. To ask the students to make a short conversation
  4. To invite the student to report the result of the discussion
  5. To invite the students to come in front of the class to practice
  1. To give feed back to the students work
  2. to lead the students to make a conclusion about the text

Post activities
1.      To give quiz about the information in the texts being discussed
2.      to give homework 
3.      To respond to the greeting
4.      To show attendance

  1. To divide themselves into a group ( a group : 3 students)
  2. To participate in the discussion by asking and answering questions
  3. To make a short conversation
  4. To report the content of the texts
  5. To come in front of the class to practice

  1. To listen to the feed back
  2. To participate in making conclusion

Post activities
  1. To answer the quiz without looking at the text
  2. To note down the homework


  1. Sources :
Exercise on UNAS preparation for SMA/MA
9.      Assessment
students worksheet
10.  Scores
2 x 5 = 10


Students Worksheet
I.                         Dialoque
Please practice the dialogue in groups.
At Handphone shop
      Rina     : Hi Rudy, could you accompany me to go to the handphone shop    now, please?
Rudy      : yes, of course
Rina        : let’s go!!
Rudy      : ok
Shopkeeper : hello,, may I help you?
Rina        : could you please tell me how much the price of hand phone Blackbery Touch Screen ?
Shopkeeper : it is Rp. 4000.000
Rina        : too expensive. Can I get cheaper ?
Shopkeeper : sorry, it is fix price
Rina        : I’d like to buy but I have no enough money
Rudy      : You can borrow my money if you want/
Rina        : no, it’s OK. I  will come later when I have enough money.
Rudy      : Are you sure?
Rina        : yes, I am sure. Let’s go home!
Rudy      : Ok.

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